sandisk MP3 player 512mb $65+$50 gift card or 1gb $99+$50 gift card


Jun 20, 2005
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sandisk MP3 player 512mb $65+$50 gift card or 1gb $99+$50 gift card

bestbuy has $50 gift card with purchase of any MP3 player (excluding ipods and sony)...pricematch with circuitcity ad and u can grab either sandisk mp3 player for a great price...
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i got a best buy employee fired for that, so dont do it if its your friend
jpatz18 said:
i got a best buy employee fired for that, so dont do it if its your friend

why? u cant do that cause then its a very good deal
well then i got sum1 fired then cause i got 2 before i posted this deal...but gettin somebody fired from BB would be doin them a favor...mickeyDees pays better..maybe ill go back tomorrow and see if hes still working there..if he is, maybe ill buy a couple more with my 'gift cards'
512 aint much ...but for 15bux with a fm radio and voice recorder...and uses a single AAA battery...even a better deal when u have gift cards to spend anyways...
A thought on this. Could you go in, and buy the thing, price match it and everything, get the $50 GC, then return it for full price? For example if I were to give it to someone for christmas, and they don't want it, could they return it for either cash or GC? Seems like you could make a killing doing that if it would work.
K, so here's what I did. I went to Best Buy tonight, and bought one of the 512 players with the Circuit City pricematch. Total bill: $68.89. Then I put that one in my car, went back in, put 17 more in my basket, and a dvd-rw drive, and went to the checkout counter for the real fun. It took me almost an hour, but I used the $50 GC from each previous purchase towards the next player, so I ended up spending 18.89 on each player. Then the last $50 GGC on the DVD-RW drive. So all in all I got 18 MP3 players at 18.88 a piece, and payed full price for the dvd drive <which I needed to buy anyway, and best buy had a good deal on a plextor dual layer>.

Then when I get home, open up the packagin, in each package, there is a coupon for a free subscription to Rolling Stone Magazine. If you chose to opt out of the free subscription however, they will send you a check for $12.97. If you figure that in, The MP3 player ends up costing 5.92. That's a darn good deal.
this isnt a good enuff deal to make front page?...bought 2 1gigs and a 512 with cards....did sum1 really buy 20?...with no hassle??...this is a sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet deal!!...512 is the better deal...almost free...or the cost of the mini usb cable anyways
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Yeah, I really did buy 18 of the 512's, and used all of them today. Went back to get more, and the guy running supervisor of the cash registers shut me down. So i'm gonna go back tonight and get the same cashier I had yesterday, and maybe arm myself with a little better knowledge of their policies so I can argue if I have to. Through a little more knowledge, I found you can get a free 2 month subscription to rhapsody too, and online you get a free napster to go starter pack.

They have three models, the 512, 1 gig, and 2 gig, after all the deals priced 14.99, 39.99, and 79.99 respectively. Such a great deal!
none of the BBs in my area have the 2gig....oh well.....still a killer deal...great gifts..and what do u mean 'used' them all....dont u mean sold them all?..wraped them all? do u use all of them?...cluster them like furbies?
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Thanks for the offer. I bought a 512 for a friend who lost her ipod--they said that technically they weren't supposed to let me have both deals but that they would anyway.

(If you read the fine print on their web site, the price match is supposed to be held against what Best Buy is selling the items for MINUS the value of any freebies.)
by used them all, i mean used them as gifts, or buddies of mine will use them for gifts. I technically sold them, but I was giving them to people for $20, so I was only making a $1.11 profit. I went back last night and got 18 more, for a total of 36 over 2 days, and am down to 5 i don't have homes for yet. This is such a great deal. I have made lots of people very happy with these, because it's something that most of my friends would like, but would never be able to afford at full price. I really have had a great time with these.

I went tio the same cashier both times i went in, and after the second time she was really not very happy with me. Oh well, I still got a great deal. Might go back for one more run if i feel frisky. we'll see.
Question for WadeTheWise

WadeTheWise -

Did you encounter any problems when you tried to buy any of the mp3 players w/ pricematch + g/c combo?

Here's what happened to me:

I went to Best Buy tonight to try to take advantage of this deal. I tried to pricematch the first mp3 player and the cashier right away told me I could not do it with the $50 g/c offer. Two levels of managers later, and I was accused of trying to "double-dip" by pricematching and taking advantage of the gift card offer.

In the end, I left frustrated and with no mp3 players.
Last Day!!

quick advice....dont bring their ad to customer service...just the price match and DONT mention the gift card...they will be propted on screen to swipe a $50 card AFTER they have already done the price this point even if they start to think sac they'll prob just want to finish the sale because its gonna be packed is the last day for this deal!!!
WadeTheWise said:
by used them all, i mean used them as gifts, or buddies of mine will use them for gifts. I technically sold them, but I was giving them to people for $20, so I was only making a $1.11 profit. I went back last night and got 18 more, for a total of 36 over 2 days, and am down to 5 i don't have homes for yet. This is such a great deal. I have made lots of people very happy with these, because it's something that most of my friends would like, but would never be able to afford at full price. I really have had a great time with these.

I went tio the same cashier both times i went in, and after the second time she was really not very happy with me. Oh well, I still got a great deal. Might go back for one more run if i feel frisky. we'll see.

Are you plaanig to sell those MP3 players ?