SanDisk Sansa e270 6GB MP3 Player for $89.99 Shipped

This is a good deal. I got the 2 gig from Woot! with another 2 gig MicroSD card. Solid player, keeps a good charge, and you can load the opensource firmware replacement Rockbox if you don't like the SanDisk firmware.

A slightly better deal would be to get the red C250 which has 2 GB and get a 2 GB micro SD, please note these players don't support SDHC!, and you can have a 4 GB player for about $45.
This really isn't a very good deal.
Wait for one to come up on Woot again. I got the 8 gig one for $75.00 shipped. Rockbox it and you can dual boot. With Rockbox you can listen to your tunes while playing games :p