Seagate 300GB SATA Hard Drive for $71.99 Shipped After Rebate

Where's the rebate? Help! This is actually out of stock, so the "Place your order" screen will keep refreshing. It will not place your order. But is you really want this - call the 1-877-688-7678 and they will honor price and ship when it gets it. They didn't know anything about a rebate thoug.

Great deal! esp. with free shipping.:)
pretty good even without the rebate. Too bad I dont have any free bays. thats a :) and a :(
Shatz, this is the Barracuda 7200.9 which is a great drive.
But I already bought the Maxtor Diamondback 10 previously.

Found the rebate on another site. Not sure if im allowed to post so I shall not But if you google it you should be able to find it.
The qualifying period for the rebate is until 30 June.

Any chance I can cash the rebate if Im not from the US? I do have a forwarding address in the US though. I kinda want to order another one
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