Select Cities: Free 'Domino' Movie Screening on 9/29/05 at 7PM


Platinum Member
Sep 29, 2004
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Select Cities: Free 'Domino' Movie Screening on 9/29/05 at 7PM

Fill out the form & click on the "submit" button. You'll be able to print out the screening pass on the next page. Note: "Screening pass does not guarantee admission. Theater seating is limited to theater capacity, and is on a first-come, first-serve basis."

Atlanta, GA
Austin, TX
Boston, MA
Charleston, SC
Charlotte, NC
Chicago, IL

Denver, CO
Detroit, MI
Houston, TX
Los Angeles, CA
Miami, FL

Milwaukee, WI
New York, NY
Orlando, FL
Philadelphia, PA
Pittsburgh, PA

Providence, RI
Raleigh, NC
San Diego, CA
San Francisco, CA
Seattle, WA
St. Louis, MO

Washington, DC

Screening pass does not guarantee admission. Theater seating is limited to theater capacity, and is on a first-come, first-serve basis. New Line Productions, Inc. reserves the right to refuse access to the theater in its discretion. By attending, you agree not to bring any audio or video recording device into the theater and consent to a physical search of your belongings and person. Ticket may not be Transferred, Auctioned or Sold. Must be 17 years of age and a legal resident of one of the 50 United States of the District of Columbia to obtain pass and attend screening. © MMV New Line Productions, Inc. All rights reserved.
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does anyone know how early one should arrive?
and merci for the nice find penpen
me0w said:
does anyone know how early one should arrive?
i'm not too sure, but i'd guess at least an hour or two before the screening begins.

If you had to wait any longer than that, then it may be better just to buy a few items at RiteAid and get those free movie tickets through the GlamCamp promo (ends 10/1/05) and watch the movie at a different time without having to wait.

Although, this movie won't be in theatres until October 14th, so...hmm... :confused:
Very nice find. Theatre in Charlotte is close to my house.
HOUSTON The Reel Moments Houston screening of WAIT and DOMINO has been cancelled due to Hurricane Rita and the evacuation of Houston, TX. We wish all those in the path of Hurricane Rita a safe evacuation and hope they will return to their homes without devastation.

thanks rita! :mad:
I have been to quite a few of these and have learned that two hours minimum to these things. Especially if the movie has bigger stars or is put out by a major studio. In this case, it has both. But two hours should be good. Just go with four people and get there early. While two people wait, two people get food, then you switch.
Went last night, 10 minutes before the start time. In Pittsburgh at least, it was no problem finding a seat. Movie was so-so (glad I didn't have to pay for it!). Thanks for posting this find, though - it was a fun night out.