serial hard drive or SATA WD or Maxtor 60-120 GIGS


Iron Member
May 30, 2002
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Does anyone know the best place/ cheapest price to get a serial hard drive. I would prefer WD or Maxtor, but if the price is right any might due. Also does anyone have any suggestion in this? I am planning on rebuilding my home pc and there is a lot of talk about the speed of the SATA drive. I would like to see for myself. I have been looking for rebates/ coupons and yet I haven't found one for a SATA drive. Who got the low down on SATA? Thanks Bob.....
I can't believe there are no good deals out there on SATA hard drives. Someone has got to know of a good deal or is EBAY the only option????????
Since SATA is still pretty new I have not seen many deals on them. Most of the deals you see are for IDE drives. If I see a deal on one I'll let you know.

found a great deal for anyone looking

If your feel the need for speed like me then check this out.
this is WD online store. They just dropped the price of thier newest raptor 10,000 rpm , 5 yr warrenty, SATA drive to 169.00 they also have a 20.00 rebate for this weekend. This is by far the cheapest I have seen this brand new drive. They also have the 250 7200 SATA drive for 179.