Sexual Harrassment in the Office - Video

LOL That is hilarious. I like the second lady with the guy massaging her, he says he will never stop and she starts to cry. LOL

You could tell all those people in the video, really secretly enjoyed the harasment. :hmm:
My co-workers and I think we could easily do something like that. You watch these videos (legit ones, not this farce comical one) and think, gosh this is silly. With a little more effort they could have made it real presentable or very funny. We'd rather go with the funny. I loved the "fat cock" thing. "Why yes, I do have a fat cock." LOL
ha ha ha ha thanks for the good laugh! The one with the 2 fat cocks with oil was too funny! all i could say was OMG and lol at the same time!!! LOL
I'll have to show this to my employees. Oh wait, I'm self-employed and my wife is the only one working for me.

This movie reminds me of Little Caesar's sexual harrassment policy in their employee handbook when I worked there back in the early 90's...the sex harrassment portion started on page 69. I am sure that was intentional.
it smells like vagina in here. LOL LOL :cry:
Sigh, the stupid web filter here won't let me view something once again.

Piece of junk. It doesn't even filter porn either, but everything useful, it filters. I think it's a law that they have to have some kind of filtering installed here even if they don't use it, sigh.