Social Groups Poll (PLEASE vote!!)

Do you want the Social Groups to be reactivated?

  • No. I don't see their value (please explain why in a post or this vote will not be counted).

    Votes: 5 19.2%
  • Yes. I would like them reactivated and have the same functionality as before.

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • Yes. I would like them reactivated, but allow access to everyone.

    Votes: 6 23.1%
  • I honestly do not care.

    Votes: 10 38.5%
  • Not Sure/Other (please explain how you feel in a post).

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • What are Social Groups and when did Spoofee have them?

    Votes: 4 15.4%

  • Total voters
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Big Daddy

Moderately Moderating
Nov 4, 2004
Reaction score
Do you want the Social Groups reactivated? If so, to what capacity (assuming it is feasible)?

We'd prefer that if you do vote to please briefly (or not so briefly) explain your choice.
I put in a vote for "honestly don't care."
It is an interesting feature.
Of all the boards I'm on that use vBulletin software, this is the only one that ever implemented SG.
In implementation, both open and invite-only groups were used to foment ill-feelings.
Somebody chose a very unfortunate name for an invite-only group. (oh, snap, that was me.)
But, as BD points out, there's nothing you can do in a group that you can't do in a thread.
Guess who voted what!?! :rofl:


:doh: Geez o'petes I need to clean out my pm box! :p
Seriously though, it would be interesting to hear from the rest of the group (one vote only of course ;) ).
That would be one vote per member, not account......
Please vote! :proud:
I voted No. I don't see their value

I am here for deals/freebies and sweepstakes. Nothing more, nothing less. is just that, and so many people take this website 'way too seriously' and bring it into their everday lives. Stupid!

I have never seen so many people complain over stupid and trivial things in all of my existence. Get a life people!

Oh, and I don't plan on walking around on eggshells just because we may have 'sensitive' members. Those people need to grow a set of balls. That's just my :money:

Leave the social groups disabled and let our memebers find something better to do with their time. It just makes matters worst around and I am sure that other mods are tired of 'holding hands' through certain aspects of the forums.

*done venting now*
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t hey make more for me to keep up with :-)

but i've never heard anyone complain or whine around here. I get the impression most of us are fun lovin people.

No to social group.....yes to keeping our off topic.
I voted no because the groups are exclusionary. We create group threads and those that wan in interest disappear to often reappear many month later but still... Of course, I could always start a "Weekends at Bernies" group - wouldn't that be fun?
Unlike babuska, I get a chuckle from the "off-topic" portion of the community and for me it's what sets Spoofee apart from other forums I have seen. babuska is correct though, too many take it too seriously. In that case I vote to take the seriousness out of Spoofee and just leave it the way it is. In fact, get rid of the "friends" thing. I do appreciate those who have included me as their friends but until we had to ask to become a friend I assumed we all were friends. I for sure don't "get" the "distinguished road" thing. That can go.
I do appreciate those who have included me as their friends but until we had to ask to become a friend I assumed we all were friends. I for sure don't "get" the "distinguished road" thing. That can go.

I'll second that!!
I said no, for reasons I already stated. AS BD mentioned... there's nothing you can do in a group that you can't do in a thread. :claps:
I voted "What are Social Groups and when did Spoofee have them?". To be honest, I didn't even realize there was a community or off topic area until very recently. I guess I never did happen upon the social groups.
This also explains why none of you know who I am!:p
BTW was I allowed to vote?LOL
No. I don't see their value (please explain why in a post or this vote will not be counted).

Do I need to preface this by saying "I don't mean to offend anyone?"

I'm not sure I even want to vote on this issue!!!

First off, doesn't anyone think it's a bit ridiculous that we should have to explain our vote...(only if it's no)...or not be counted? Why have a vote if it's not democratic? And how can it be considered democratic if the vote doesn't count if what? we don't have a good enough reason to vote "No"? I guess the reasons we'd vote "yes" wouldn't matter?

Personally the whole things seems a bit elementary school to me.

"Let's have exclusive clubs!"

"Let's vote on if we can have them or not!"

The way people I've heard people run on around here about freedom of speech, I can't imagine anyone would see the sense in a conversation where basicallly only members are allowed to speak their mind.

And while I'm on the subject and have probably already allienated did we go from asking for more freedom to discuss issues without censorship or editing, spicing up the threads if you will- to now argueing for the sake of private conversations? And even if our conversation veers off the original subject we've commited a crime? I totally get what Monkfish had said about threads being hi-jacked. Sometimes they turn into silly dribble, but sometimes it's just a legitimate digression of the topic. How many people stick to one topic in a normal conversation?

"Wait honey, we can't talk about how the grocery shopping went today, we haven't finished about the crayon in the pocket while doing laundry yet"!

Maybe it's all me and if so I humbly appologize in advance for speaking my mind, also for any spelling or diction errors. Thank you.
The one thing that I do like about it is it reduces the 'clutter' of the board.

If a few want to chit chat in a group about utter nonsense, this allows it without that 'thread' being bumped up and 'annoying' members who are here for the deals or more 'serious' topics.

I also think it would decrease the incidents of threads going totally 'off topic' for too long......

But I do think we could survive without them and I think the poll will allow us to express our thoughts on the matter rather than one or two people squashing things that others might enjoy.
I've chosen not to vote. Off topics isn't fun anymore and I still see insulting posts. I don't see that changing. Really I could care less either way.
First off, doesn't anyone think it's a bit ridiculous that we should have to explain our vote...(only if it's no)...or not be counted? Why have a vote if it's not democratic? And how can it be considered democratic if the vote doesn't count if what? we don't have a good enough reason to vote "No"? I guess the reasons we'd vote "yes" wouldn't matter?

The reason that I put that in there (and I take full responsibility for doing so) is because I felt it would be a lot easier for a member to just vote no, either because they mean it or just for fun, and leave the thread and we want to get everyone's opinions/views. I also think that most people here don't mind the groups, so the no votes might help enlighten people.

As a reminder, it will ultimately be Spoofee's decision to bring back the Social Groups and whether he will use this thread in his decision making process.

Also, this is an anonymous poll, so I'm surprised to see many comments, but not so many votes. :(
The reason I voted "I do not care" I don't guess I've ever seen it before? So I won't miss what I have never seen.
It is just a bunch of nonsense. Everyone needs to be less childish and get along. If you don't like it here, leave. You asked!
I’m probably going to be slammed for this but here’s my thought on the whole subject and why I haven’t posted on Spoofee lately. Within the past year this website has turned into a 'Whoa Is Me' place to complain. Health problems, family problems, etc.. I didn’t join Spoofee for that… I joined for fun and to have different things in general to talk about – NOT your problems… Also, the hijacking of threads, I know it’s natural, and it’s going to happen, but I feel as if some do it on purpose just to have a reason to post when normally they would have nothing to say concerning the current topic… If you don’t have anything to say, read and move along…. It discourages people from posting when they feel that their posts aren’t being taken seriously… Before I’m questioned, I’m not saying this from personal experience, merely an observation.
Not everyone is going to like everyone, but this place has turned into a kindergarten playground.

I don’t care one way or another whether Spoofee has social groups or not
I'll copy and paste this here as well for those of you saying this is becoming a grade school argument.....

Originally Posted by Big Daddy

Furthermore, there is nothing you could say in the Social Groups that you can't say in the Off-Topic forum.

While that can be true, there are things in which private groups can be a real benefit. Let me explain, I am sick, not just in the head, LOL (kidding) , but seriously I am in pain every day, I don't go a day without pain here lately, I would love to start a support group or just a group for people to talk about things like this that happen in their lives, however some members don't experience these same challenges, and I am sure they sympathize, but don't really have much to add. A majority of us have children, we want to discuss their everyday little cute things but the off topic forum isn't really the place to do it. These are just a few things I thought of but never brought to fruition, I didn't want to create a clique, I wanted to create support for other members that experience the same things I do, members that would love to discuss their children but don't want the entire spoofee community reading about their children. I would love to create a religious group, discuss biblical questions, things like that, but you know, not everyone in the off-topic wants to discuss that, and these are subjects that are sensitive in nature, it would be nice to foster these here at spoofee, I am not trying to make this a grade school argument as some have suggested, I am putting it out here, this is what I had in mind and why I really am sensitive about the matter. I believe groups being back would be so beneficial, and making them public would be great, having private groups too would be nice as well. You can't say everything in the off topic section, I don't anyway.

AND I am not a whoa is me person, I wouldn't wish this pain on anyone, but when you go through something like this, you don't always get support from your family, as a matter of fact, they are normally your biggest adversaries, people don't want to be sick, people don't want to be in pain, I know I DON'T anyway, I have a husband and four children, and 3 step-children, I DO NOT HAVE TIME for my doctor to play around with my health, the only way to combat this is to educate myself. my state SUCKS when it comes to being ahead of the game medically, it helps to get support from others. I have learned a lot while being here at spoofee, and I have saved a lot of money too, when you come to know people and trust them to an extent, it's nice to have them in a group with you to discuss common bonds. I am not trying to be grade school, my intentions were far from that! I am also not trying to slam anyone, I just want yall to know I didn't want to support the start of groups just to be petty and cliqueish, there was a reason behind it.
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While that can be true, there are things in which private groups can be a real benefit. Let me explain, I am sick, not just in the head, LOL (kidding) , but seriously I am in pain every day, I don't go a day without pain here lately, I would love to start a support group or just a group for people to talk about things like this that happen in their lives, however some members don't experience these same challenges, and I am sure they sympathize, but don't really have much to add.

I'm sorry to hear about your health issues. :hug: Although with or without Social Groups, there is no harm or problem with you posting a thread about how you feel one day and just put "No OT" or something similar in the title to try and keep the useless comments to a minimum. Then if someone makes a truly unnecessary, uncalled for or mean spirited post, report it to the mods and we'll take care of it.

A majority of us have children, we want to discuss their everyday little cute things but the off topic forum isn't really the place to do it.
I know. I've never done that. :o :rolleyes: If you'd like, create the "Official How Cute Are My Kids Thread" and just keep thread alive. I'm sure lots of people will share, including myself. I might even post a picture or ten. :doh:
Once again, just my two cents, but wouldn't it make more sense to seek a forum specifically related to your illness, instead of the off topic section of a freebie/deals website? You would find more people who would know more about your condition(s) and be able to offer more help if that is what you are looking for.
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