I'll copy and paste this here as well for those of you saying this is becoming a grade school argument.....
Originally Posted by Big Daddy
Furthermore, there is nothing you could say in the Social Groups that you can't say in the Off-Topic forum.
While that can be true, there are things in which private groups can be a real benefit. Let me explain, I am sick, not just in the head, LOL (kidding) , but seriously I am in pain every day, I don't go a day without pain here lately, I would love to start a support group or just a group for people to talk about things like this that happen in their lives, however some members don't experience these same challenges, and I am sure they sympathize, but don't really have much to add. A majority of us have children, we want to discuss their everyday little cute things but the off topic forum isn't really the place to do it. These are just a few things I thought of but never brought to fruition, I didn't want to create a clique, I wanted to create support for other members that experience the same things I do, members that would love to discuss their children but don't want the entire spoofee community reading about their children. I would love to create a religious group, discuss biblical questions, things like that, but you know, not everyone in the off-topic wants to discuss that, and these are subjects that are sensitive in nature, it would be nice to foster these here at spoofee, I am not trying to make this a grade school argument as some have suggested, I am putting it out here, this is what I had in mind and why I really am sensitive about the matter. I believe groups being back would be so beneficial, and making them public would be great, having private groups too would be nice as well. You can't say everything in the off topic section, I don't anyway.
AND I am not a whoa is me person, I wouldn't wish this pain on anyone, but when you go through something like this, you don't always get support from your family, as a matter of fact, they are normally your biggest adversaries, people don't want to be sick, people don't want to be in pain, I know I DON'T anyway, I have a husband and four children, and 3 step-children, I DO NOT HAVE TIME for my doctor to play around with my health, the only way to combat this is to educate myself. my state SUCKS when it comes to being ahead of the game medically, it helps to get support from others. I have learned a lot while being here at spoofee, and I have saved a lot of money too, when you come to know people and trust them to an extent, it's nice to have them in a group with you to discuss common bonds. I am not trying to be grade school, my intentions were far from that! I am also not trying to slam anyone, I just want yall to know I didn't want to support the start of groups just to be petty and cliqueish, there was a reason behind it.