software needed!!


(. ) ( .) <-- not boobies
Jan 14, 2005
Reaction score
i need a software to compress a 600mb video file to a smaller file so i can watch it on my pda. any idea?
Most video formats are already compressed so compression programs like winzip really won't help much.

Good luck!!
I ask my b/f, he is a genius when it comes to computers.. I bet will have an idea. I will Private message you later today with thoughts on it..
what file type is it now? avi, mpeg, wmv....
dehawk666 said:
Afoster had kidnapped Penpen :(
I think I smell a catfight.

dehawk666 said:
Afoster had kidnapped Penpen :(
Hopefully not an evil twin or mini-me (mini-pen mini-pen)..:cat::cat: :eek:
Search the net for: avi to pda
There are lots of programs.

You also did not say what kind of file it is or what type of computer you have......
How did I kidnap Penpen? Is it because of my avatar. I didn't think there was a rule against using Hello Kitty.... :eek:
afoster380 said:
How did I kidnap Penpen? Is it because of my avatar. I didn't think there was a rule against using Hello Kitty.... :eek:
As she says so innocently with those cute little wiskers......:hmm:

Is it a coincidence that Penpen 'retires' from the Mod Squad just as 'another' Penpen look alike comes on the scene........:suspect: :eek:

So what did you do with our penpen?:theyareon
If I knew that this avatar was going to stir up such a comotion, I wouldn't have picked it. I just thought she was cute, and no one else had it. If you all would like me to change it then I will. I don't want to offend the older members of 'Spoofee," seeing as I am new... :eek:
afoster380 said:
If I knew that this avatar was going to stir up such a comotion, I wouldn't have picked it. I just thought she was cute, and no one else had it. If you all would like me to change it then I will. I don't want to offend the older members of 'Spoofee," seeing as I am new... :eek:
On the other hand, imitation is the best form of flattery...... :bigok:

No need to change avatars (we just like to give people a hard time - haven't you realized that yet?).

Now about 'offending older members', I take offense to the use of the word 'old'...we are not 'old' but merely more experienced, wiser (LOL), not wet behind the ears, obtain a wealth of knowledge and we love our penpen....:)
Sorry about the "old" comment :confused: Didn't mean it in a harmful manner. I thought you all were mad I was using Hello Kitty. I really don't even like the character, but this pic was cute. I am still searching for the right avatar. Clearly this isn't the one! :) . Where is Penpen going anyway. She always posts the best stuff... :)