(Sold Out) 25 Pack RiDATA 8x DVD+Rs for $0.99 Shipped After Rebate


Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
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(Sold Out) 25 Pack RiDATA 8x DVD+Rs for $0.99 Shipped After Rebate

Newegg.com has the RiDATA ARITA 4.7GB 8X DVD+R 25 pack spindle disc for a good deal.

1. Click here and click "Shop" next to Newegg. ( Total : $10.99 )
2. Rebate Price : -$10.00
Final Price : $0.99 Shipped After Rebate
25 Pack RiDATA 8x DVD+Rs for $0.99 Shipped After Rebate

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Too Late - OUT OF STOCK, dag nab it!

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