(Sold Out) Gamestop - Wii Preorder Sometime Today


Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
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Gamestop.com sometime today will have the Wii pre-order

This pre-order will be $694.88 and will come with the
- Wii Console
- Wii Memory SD 1GB
- 6 Additional Games (Zelda, Trauma Center, Red Steel, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Super Monkey Ball, Madden NFL)
- 12 month product replacement plan
- Game Informer Subscription

- Wii Gamestop Link
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These are available on Craigslist for about half the listed cost.
lol, if you didn't know, the wii will have plenty of stock at launch, unlike the ps3. There's no need to have tons of overpriced accessories foisted on you for double the price. It will be easily available.
wildbanchee said:
HOw can they already be on craigslist?? At half the cost??

sounds like someone took the special 5 finger discount.

so i guess im not reserving the wii if it does me no good on ebay xD
Fortunately they're sold out on their presale, since it's really a pretty crummy deal. I agree with Kronus -- there's no need to bust a gut trying to get in on this one early, especially when the presale comes weighed down with undesired extras.
Way overpriced

That price is ridiculous. The whole point of getting a wii is because it's (a) cheap and (b) legend of zelda.
you guys need to be patient, don't freeze yourself.
i dont understand why people rip on the package. If anything, this is a better package for WII than gamestop offered for xbox 360. Those were all 1K and up and the highest one went up to 2500 and was packaged with a TV.

I think its a fine package especially considering so many people shop on gamestop.com and ebworld.com and they dont have tons of these to offer yet. Maybe its a little cheezy to force the 1 year warranty, but besides that, i see nothing wrong with this deal.

"These are available on Craigslist for about half the listed cost."

as for this line......

i assure you, one cannot buy a WII, at this moment, for 150. Or do you mean a wii and 6 games for 350.. uhhhh .. no.
it all depends on how much the games are gonna cost. the wii is going to be 250 so 694.88 -250 is 454.88 the 1gb sd card i just saw for like 3 bucks on spoofee so that leaves us with 451.88. subscribtions are quite cheap as is insurance. so lets say another 40 bucks max for both. so thats 411.88 for 6 games which means its 68 dolars a game approximately. which is way more than the games are going to be so i think this is absolutely not a deal especially since you'd get the preorder later than if you go into the store.
I bet itll be a better deal at Costco....

Zelda, you can play on the GC also. Same price.
freebiemaster said:
it all depends on how much the games are gonna cost. the wii is going to be 250 so 694.88 -250 is 454.88 the 1gb sd card i just saw for like 3 bucks on spoofee so that leaves us with 451.88. subscribtions are quite cheap as is insurance. so lets say another 40 bucks max for both. so thats 411.88 for 6 games which means its 68 dolars a game approximately. which is way more than the games are going to be so i think this is absolutely not a deal especially since you'd get the preorder later than if you go into the store.

game stop posted the price break down. all items were sold at retail cost.

for example

system 250
games 6x50 == 300

that leaves us with 150.

the 1 gig card. thats retail 60 bucks. (can you buy an alternative for much cheeper. ABSOLUTLEY. but if you want the NES label one its retail 60 at this moment. I'm sure it will be cheeper in the future, but its 60 for now.....)

that leaves 90 for insurance, handle, and game mag subscription.


again these are not uber deals in the sense that maybe we can get that same mag for free or maybe we dont need insurance or we can get a 1 gig card for 2.99, these are all the retail launch prices straight up. no % off and all packaged together.