Soyo SY-P4I875P Dragon Motherboard Free with 2 MIR's


Iron Member
Aug 17, 2004
Reaction score
Zipzomfly has the Soyo SY-P4I875P Dragon Motherboard with 2 80$ MIR's and free 2nd day shipping. This is compatible with P4 processors

Rabate 1

Rabate 2

I did a quick google review and this board seemed to get good reviews. I don't have any experience with this retailer but they seem to get excellent reviews.
free 2nd day shipping and no tax on an item that is free after mail in rebate?? i'm in. great find, eaglefan, thanks!
Man that's some huge rebates though.

I have this board. It ran great for about 2 hours and then quit. I'm currently fighting with soyo tech support. They don't seem to trust that I actually know what I'm doing. "check JP5, make sure the board isn't grounding itself on the case, blah blah blah"
Didn't Soyo's have problems with Windows SP2? I have a friend who has a Soyo board, and his SP2 install failed. Turned out the board needed a BIOS upgrade, but then the flash failed and he had to get a new BIOS chip from Soyo. I think SP2 finally installed after that.

But I think many Soyo boards needed BIOS upgrades before SP2 would install. Hopefully any new boards will already have the right BIOS though.
i am using a soyo board right now (it was free too :) ) and i have no problems running sp2. it was only a $80 board without the MIR, so its not high end or anything, and i had no problems what-so-ever with SP2
Thanks for the feedback all. My son and I are planning to build a gaming rig for xmas so for the price and specs I ordered one. Was planning to get vid card and sb anyway.

Geez if that vid card deal earlier had only been true! :cry:

I know, I know, AMD is the only cpu for gaming. LOL Yet I think for the money I am saving a nice P4 3.4 HT with a gig of RAM will be nice. With the HD and Monitor deals from Spoofee I hope to spend about $300, maybe less.
I think my record for an ultra cheap system is about $100. Thank you Spoofee and the great members here!