Spanish Link Memorable Moments" Activity Booklet - Includes Kimberley Clark Coupons..


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Jun 3, 2007
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Spanish Link Memorable Moments" Activity Booklet - Includes Kimberley Clark Coupons..

Madre y Mujer ~ "Creating Memorable Moments" Activity Booklet - Includes Kimberley Clark Coupons... Spanish Link

Complete this form and you will receive free** the book "Creating Memorable Moments", with activities to share with family and valuable advice from Dr. Isabel (valid only in the United States):

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Gracias, Curious! I think it said that it will arrive in the mail within 15 days or 15 business days. :)
Didn't understand a word of it, but I thank you. Do you think the book will be in Spanish ? If so I know someone who will think alot of it. . . THANX. . .
THANK YOU!:wave:

GIN GIN Didn't understand a word of it, but I thank you. Do you think the book will be in Spanish ? If so I know someone who will think alot of it. . . THANX. . .

Didn't understand a word of it either. Hope the book isn't in Spanish or i won't be able to read it. LOL