Student tasered at John Kerry rally for asking a question.


labhairt shíoch-in
May 4, 2005
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Student tasered at John Kerry rally for asking a question.

(Not safe for children.)

UF student is tasered at John Kerry rally.

This should scare you and enrage you! What will you do about it? Our government has been stripping away our rights for years. Should this be allowed in our country?

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This second video shows what happens after they get him through the doors.

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I am so mad right now! I can't even watch the second video! I can't post what I really want to say! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
It should make you mad! This is NOT OK! It makes me so FREAKING angry. I can't even express the rage and sorrow I feel over what is going on in our country. People don't realize. They don't understand what the government has been doing. The government says they are trying to keep us safe from terrorists. In fact, they have been eroding our personal liberties. They have been keeping us in fear to hide what they are doing.
Not safe to play if there are kids present. (Fair is fair, faerie :p)

Ok as I see it he wasnt tasered for asking a question. He was tasered because he was resisting arrest, among other things. I have to wonder what parts were removed in the two obvious edits.

I think he shouldve been passive in the process. When they were taking him from the podium, he wasnt apparently being arrested, he was just being removed.

When he told the first guard to go away and that he was going to ask his question, he was left alone. When that question turned into a rant and two more "questions" meant be statements more than anything else (imo) is when they cut his mic. And when he still didnt stop, and got even more confrontational they removed him. If he was really only suggesting the book, he wouldve stopped when Kerry said he already read it.

He wasnt arrested until he started telling them to get their effing hands off him, struggling against them, etc. He was tasered while there were maybe eight guards on him, and he was still yelling and struggling. I think hes lucky they didnt use their night sticks.

All that said, freedom of speech (as you all know) is one of my most cherished rights as an American. I dont believe in censorship, no matter what. And I have seen the building of the Police State coming for some time now. It upsets me that the very first amendment to be ratified as part of the Bill of Rights is seemingly the first Right of the Bill to be taken from us. Apparently our voices are more dangerous than our right to bear arms.

I am sad to say that if this is the course we are taking, I will likely be in a cell before my days are done.
Not safe to play if there are kids present. (Fair is fair, faerie :p).

True. In my crazy state I forgot to mention that.

BTW With the way I have been going lately, and the library books checked out on my card, I am on some watch list and may end up disappearing.
Well, now that we know, when you stop showing up I know to call in the mercenaries.
It happened yesterday.

We'll all be locked up before long.

It's time for the next revolution
Count me in, Dan. It might be time to set loose your army of shotgun weilding mutant squirrels and unleash the squirrels of war.
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Why was John Kerry having a "rally"? I read a couple articles re: the incident and they revolved around the student and didn't say much about the purpose of the gathering...
Count me in, Dan. It might be time to set loose your army of shotgun weilding mutant squirrels and unleash the squirrels of war.

If you're talking about Foamy, and his friends, I don't think the revolution is going very far.
There is a reason why Waldo did not win the presidential elections....
LS, I am in complete agreement with you. This guy was a freaking idiot who became hostile during a rally. It appears that the questions were closed before he even got to the microphone. If he had calmed down beforehand, the police would not have used the taser. Dumb, dumb boy.
There are reports floating around now that he planned this.
If that's the case, he got what he deserved.
I'm with Squid and Spaz on this. Yes, we do have 'freedom of speech' but it must be done in the proper forum and in a respectful way.

BTW I missed what Kerry's purpose in being there was....were this man's 'questions' in line with the agendas? Or was he just there to 'make his statement'? If he has a 'statement' to make, he needs to use a different method and another channel. IMHO

As far as the police, they were well within their guidlines....he was resisting and not calmly cooperating, he was acting 'out of control'. If this person was a 'terrorist' or someone who 'meant harm', should we entertain them and put our security staff in harms way as 'not to offend' them? The security is there to 'keep the peace', this person was not 'peaceful'.

Tasered Florida Student Has History Of Taping Own Practical Jokes

POSTED: 1:44 pm EDT September 18, 2007
UPDATED: 2:07 pm EDT September 18, 2007

A university student with a history of taping his own practical jokes was Tasered by campus police and arrested after loudly and repeatedly trying to ask U.S. Senator John Kerry questions during a campus forum.

Meyer was ordered released from jail Tuesday on his own recognizance.

Meyer has his own Web site and it contains several “comedy” videos that he appears in. In one, he stands in a street with a sign that says “Harry Dies” after the latest Harry Potter book was released. In another, he acts like a drunk while trying to pick up a woman in a bar.

The site also has what is called a “disorganized diatribe” attributed to Meyer that criticizes the Iraq war, the news media for not covering the conflict enough and the American public for paying too much attention to celebrity news.

Police noted that his demeanor "completely changed once the cameras were not in sight" and described him as laughing and being lighthearted as he was being driven to the Alachua County Detention Center.

"I am not mad at you guys, you didn't do anything wrong. You were just trying to do your job," Meyer said, according to the police report.

So now he gets attention for his antics and the police get reprimanded :doh:

What a waste of our money, time and resources......:rolleyes:
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