Eefoops said:Quoted from message sent to Winchell's HQ by me:
I DID NOT RECEIVE MY COUPON. SOMEBODY ELSE ENTERED MY rc CODE AND STOLE IT. Allegedy they will not be able to use it because it has my name on it. That is not true!!! Nobody is going to be looking over the shoulder of your store employee when "someone like them" presents a request for a free dozen donuts. The identification of presenter will not be verified and you know it!!!
METHOD IS FLAWED. The rc code was not randomized or even encoded so that it could not be guessed by a dishonest person whose 'rc' was issued just prior to my code!!!!!
Why do you insist on implementing such a poor practice for online services. Internet professionals would not have implemented this FLAWED approach.
Eefoops said:You are probably one of the people who will be eating donuts 3 meals a day for the next week.
P.S. I really do not like/enjoy you Avatar Icon. Why don't you change it?
Eefoops said:Do you listen to Pammy Anderson Show
on Sirius Satellite Radio Stream 146?