The Bourne Identity, Bourne Supremacy + Movie Ticket to Bourne Ultimatum for $9.99

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Dec 21, 2001
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The Bourne Identity, Bourne Supremacy + Movie Ticket to Bourne Ultimatum for $9.99

Bestbuy has The Bourne Identity and The Bourne Supremacy 3 Disc movie collection + a movie ticket to The Bourne Ultimatum for $14.99.

1. Click here to see promo
2. Add the item to your cart ( Price : $14.99 )
3. Use Mastercard to get the item for $9.99
4. Shipping is $1.99 or you can pickup in-stores.
Used Master Card issued by Univesal Studio. The cost is not $9.99. Anyone can save with your mastercard? how?
sweet deal, ive only seen the first one but it was good enough to pay 5$ for the 2nd one...I mean considering that renting it costs 4.25, might as well buy it!
buy this now, or add wait for it to be in a trilogy set like X-men, LOTR, Matrix... ect...
MC didn't work for me

I tried buying this with a MC but the extra discount didn't show. I called them and they said it wasn't their offer. I can't get to the offer from their website.
MC in store only

I didn't read the fine print that says the MC extra $5 off is in store only.
I called 1-800-BEST-BUY, gave them my order number and I should receive a credit for the $5 difference ($20 actually because I ordered 4 of them) on my statement after the movies ship. The rep pulled up the weekly circular for my area to confirm that the deal was legit.

I asked him if the online cart was supposed to make the price change automatically and his response was "in theory". I suppose "in theory" is pretty similar to their hidden that only works on in-store terminals for employees and lists higher prices that the actual website.
so you have to go to the store to buy it if you wan the extra $5?
i ordered it online and picked it up in the store. they credited me the $5
When I bought it from the store, the manager had to manually take the $5 off.

Does anyone know how you get the free movie ticket? Is it that yellow sticker that is on the movie box that says "free movie cash"? I've never used one of these free movie ticket offers... not too sure how it works. I'm guessing i just take that sticker to the box office. Tell me if I'm wrong.
Great deal, even if I did use my Visa card and picked it up in-store.
good deal but i have the two movies already...:-)
good deal but i have the two movies already...:-)

So do I but I gigured Im seeing the movie anyways so why not pay an extra approx $3 and get the movies again. Maybe the 3rd disc has some extra special features
Picked up two of these last night (the last two in the store). Nice deal! the case is kinda chincy - the disks are just attached to a peice of cardboard. on mine all the little tabs had broken off so that the dvd no longer snaps to the cardboard. but still a good deal. i bought in store and there was no problem taking off the extra $5.

@ Julia - the movie ticket is done through moviecash ( ) there is a paper certificate inside the case which you will take to the movie theater (check website for participating locs). It can ONLY be used for Bourne Ultimatum, but works like cash (meaning no restrictions on use) up to $7.50 (but you get no change if the ticket is less).
Does anyone know how you get the free movie ticket? Is it that yellow sticker that is on the movie box that says "free movie cash"? I've never used one of these free movie ticket offers... not too sure how it works. I'm guessing i just take that sticker to the box office. Tell me if I'm wrong.
BEWARE. I did this deal with Oceans 11 and 12 DVDs with movie cash for Oceans 13. AMC and Wehrenberg wouldn't take the movie cash. I ended up paying about $13 for the two DVDs and considering I saw them already it wasn't a great deal. Only do this deal if you want the DVDs. If you can find a theater that will honor the Movie Cash then consider a BIG win for you.
I used the movie cash for Oceans 13 at an Edwards theater and it worked fine. Since movie tickets are $11 here in our area and the moviecash was for up to $10.50, I paid $.50 out of pocket! Great deal.
Help? Mine was missing the movie cash. I found what seemed to be the last copy in the store, at checkout, a special screen displayed on the terminal, with a backward question about having a Master card. You'd want to hit 'yes', but you need to hit 'no' somehow. Weird. Anyway, got it home, opened it up and no movie cash? So, it's open, so I bet I can't return it right? :(