The stupidity is starting.......


Goody 2 Shoes Goddess TY
Sep 1, 2005
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Don't you just hate people's hidden messages and white lies? :argh: Meet my SIL. Everyone loves her and she is just such .......:hmpf:...a habitual white liar!!! My brother has also been 'converted'....:rolleyes:

They just love the drama....:rolleyes:....I could tell you stories. At this point I really don't even want to be bothered with them.

A few years back I kind of pulled back in the relationship and it has been so great. Now, we are 'forced' into a situation, my Dad's funeral and illness isn't helping matters either.

The less I have to be involved with them, the better.

Part of me wants to sever ties, but that wouldn't be good nor realistic. :rant:

I hate being sucked into their 'games' and 'drama'....I just refuse to do it.:doh:
Then refuse to do it. As much as possible, refuse to play the 'games' and avoid the 'drama'.
Merely be polite to them, as you would to any stranger. Keep them at arm's length.
Oh, Preco - I have a SIL just the same. Whenever I have to deal with her, I just hold my head high, only say what I need to say, and don't bother with her mindless stories. I try to not even look at her if I can get away with it.

Are you speaking of pre- funeral planning?
Preco, while you're in their presence, only speak of yourself in the third person.
That should drive them nuts in a short time.
or do like my SIL does and emphasize the word I each time you say it :doh:
And each time they tell you of some 'catastrophic" event, say "in accordance with the prophecy".
oh, and change your accent. That should throw them off
You want i should make a few calls? maybe have a little chat wid dem?:eviltongue: :crutch:

:bigok: or :thumbs_do

LOL those are great guys! I especially like the accent suggestion.
My brother's girlfriend is an absolute p.i.t.a. I think I might try a few of those out on her.
I feel for ya, Preco! Hang in there.
:rofl: Good one Dan......shall I be Brittish or Asian? (the accent) I actually do a good Irish! :p
Irish, then, by all means
And do the third-person thing.