ThermalTake BlacX Hard Drive Dock for $19.99 Shipped After Rebate

I bought one of these (not from Newegg) back in 2009. The Power switch failed after about a year; looks like I am not the only one who suffered from this problem. However, a cheaper cradle died completely and this one is still going strong. Not a problem, though, as I can turn the power on and off. File transfer is about 1.5GB/min -- much faster than USB 2.0. There's a hotswap app for e-sata so that drives can be mounted/dismounted on the fly.

Works well, great build quality. I will buy another one, but not now - the 'rebate' is a 'prepaid card', which is as close to a rebate scam as you can get without actually being a scam. All that effort for $10...