Things are Amazing and Nobody is Happy...

Very funny. Pass on a hug to Ann.
I don't think more than a day goes by that I'm not standing in an elevator with 3 other people and 2 of them a talking on a phone. I can't help myself to wonder, "whatever did we do 20 years ago without cell phones?" It's even worse on the street.
Since this is a rhetorical, my "answer" is, "we got along just fine with a lot less interruptions to present activities".
Very funny. Pass on a hug to Ann.
I don't think more than a day goes by that I'm not standing in an elevator with 3 other people and 2 of them a talking on a phone. I can't help myself to wonder, "whatever did we do 20 years ago without cell phones?" It's even worse on the street.
Since this is a rhetorical, my "answer" is, "we got along just fine with a lot less interruptions to present activities".

Touche my friend! My DH and I are endlessly fascinated with the fact that people today are obsessed with their phones: have to be talking while their walking, driving, eating lunch, sitting with their kids at the park, etc....lots of blah blah blah. But you can inquire of any of these Chatters "Isn't it sad that Dan's mother passed away? or can you believe the new school dismissal policy? or Isn't it great Cindy finally got a job? and they would each be incredulous~they had no idea! NO ONE IS ACTUALLY COMMUNICATING you see...just enjoying the sound of their own voices I tend to believe. :tongue:
That is so funny and true....:rofl:
just enjoying the sound of their own voices I tend to believe. :tongue:

An explanation of the "Twitter Twits" is that somehow these people send their little tweets with the disillusion idea that people care that they are "in line at Starbucks" or whatever.

At least on Spoofee we all know we are just free associating and we KNOW nobody really gives a rats ass about what we say :rofl:
Did you say something Jerry? :hmmmm: I just popped in here to re-read my post......:doh:
omg thats just too funny, i totally agree what he's saying, so true. this new generation of people were born with a phone/computer/plasma TV/TiVo/cable in their hands, lol. people forget what it was like without high tech technology, sometimes just simply things are better. we have adapted to the new century and we can't look back.
I'm not so sure 8 tracks we really any good.