Things that truly matter


Lets' go Yankees!
May 18, 2006
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People starving, threats of nuclear attack, religious persecution and this is what motivates some people.

The New York City Police Department has advised us of a Planned Demonstration by PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) on Wednesday, June 24, 2009 between 12:00pm and 1:00pm on Broadway between West 45th Street and West 46th Street. Thirty participants are expected to protest Bull Fighting by lying down with fake spears sticking out of their backs. No sound permit has been issued.

"lying down with fake spears sticking out of their backs." THAT will teach 'em!
Bull fighting, hahha dont see the problem. The bull usually wins, its not like a mink or something where they are snapping the necks for coats
FAKE spears?
Come on, people, let's find 'em some REAL spears.

I'm a member of the other PETA.
I fight Bull, spears necessary....:smiley:

Bull fighting, hahha dont see the problem. The bull usually wins, its not like a mink or something where they are snapping the necks for coats

Actually in traditional bull fighting that's not true.. The bull is stabbed with spears etc.. each type has a specific name.. repeatedly which causes blood loss weakening it so that the fighter has a better chance.. regardless if the bull "wins" or collapses in the ring it is slaughtered after the fight. So there is no win to it. I think the guy ought to have to go out there with the bull nice & feisty.. but that's just me.. lol
as far as PETA.. why aren't they protesting in Spain or somewhere that bull fighting is actually practiced ?? I guess that would take to much effort on their part.. or maybe they figure they will stop that secret bull fighting that goes on in New York streets ???
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Sorry to jump off topic but I was at some friends house tonight and we were watching the weather (101 degrees here today) and they went straight into a story about a little dog getting left in a car and it died there...while the owner was boating on the river...they showed a picture of the owner (who is now up on felony charges) and a picture of the car the dog was in and hair around the window the poor little thing tried to escape from....the owner said she didnt know the dog was there...she lived 30 miles from where the dog died could you not know a dog was in the car for 30 miles...the people who called the police said they saw the dog alive but by the time she got back to her car to get her phone and a tire iron to break the window the dog was already too far gone....what a horrible way to die...
Is the Spanish Embassy close enough? far as PETA.. why aren't they protesting in Spain or somewhere that bull fighting is actually practiced ?? I guess that would take to much effort on their part.. or maybe they figure they will stop that secret bull fighting that goes on in New York streets ???

They'll be in Spain soon. :peace: Peta Spain Bullfighting

I don't always agree with PETA, however, bullfighting is incredibly cruel and barbaric.
While I really don't agree with bull fighting, I think all of the PETA protesters should be rounded up and sent to Iran where they can make a real difference.
While I really don't agree with bull fighting, I think all of the PETA protesters should be rounded up and sent to Iran where they can make a real difference.

+1 My point exactly! It's too bad about the little dog and it's too bad about bull torture but these PETA people are more annoying and embarrassing than anything else. If they were to focus their attention on helping their Church or local civic youth group or some HUMANitarian activity they could indirectly better these minor matters (if they really matter).
They should form up PETOP, People for the Ethical Treatment Of People. More of that is something truly needed in the world.
....or we could just use them as human shields over there too.....:tongue:
....or we could just use them as human shields over there too.....:tongue:

too funny...
I'm sorry.. but I can't stand PETA, and I'm an animal person thru & thru have been all my life. They actually do nothing of value to help anything..
I've been told by their members it would be better if the giraffe calf I was hand raising were allowed to starve to death, our elephant calf that was saved from a culling project were left to die, and I should turn my pets out to fend for themselves.. really for the animals.
PETA was upset that the president was swatting at a fly!

You may have caught Obama's interview with CNBC the other day, where the president garnered attention (what else is new?) for deftly swatting a fly that was buzzing around his arm. The little event circulated in the media, as just about everything ol' Barack does these days, and racked up some major views on YouTube. But PETA was none too pleased—it wasn't long before the animal rights group dubbed Obama's swat an "execution."

It's a fly :rofl:
Fly = Disease Carrier = PETA

Takes one to know one.
PETA was upset that the president was swatting at a fly!

You may have caught Obama's interview with CNBC the other day, where the president garnered attention (what else is new?) for deftly swatting a fly that was buzzing around his arm. The little event circulated in the media, as just about everything ol' Barack does these days, and racked up some major views on YouTube. But PETA was none too pleased—it wasn't long before the animal rights group dubbed Obama's swat an "execution."

It's a fly :rofl:

OMFG! I guess these people have no concern of ever being regarded seriously. They do and say these stupid things that work to counter anything they might do of any valuable. They have no credibility but I guess they have lots of laughs in the office. They should pair up with "The Onion".
Remember, these are the people who brought you sea kittens ACK!