sorry, dehawk, i gotta stick with my original post-- otherwise i'd choose freddy from scooby doo LOL
i wanted to think this one through before i posted...
so for my alive person, i'd choose steven page of barenaked ladies cuz i'd try to knock some political sense into that thick canadian skull, plus i think he'd be a hoot to hang out with...
for my not-so-alive person i'd have to pick Jesus- cuz whether you believe he is the Christ or not, he was one heck of a person and to just meet him and know what he was really like... larger than life and yet nothing more than a man... that'd be ... intense
Passed-on: Adam (the one without belly button)... Why did you eat that forbidden fruit, man?! Were you out of your mind???
Alive: Jesus... That way I know I'm in heaven Seriously, whether you're a believer or not, historically speaking, there's no other person that can draw millions of people (and keeps growing) to be willing to die for him only in 3-year ministry timeframe. And that's not something to praise, I don't know what is.
dehawk, if you're interested in understanding life and its meaning, you can try to join At the very least, you'll get free meals (like that, huh?) It completely changed my life...