This insane...

wow, i remember just a few years ago we had waiting queues to use the computer labs.
yeah i remember laughing at the losers who didn't have home computers and HAD to use the school's computer lab... of course that was :o 1997
It's AMAZING how fast technology has grown!

In 1989, my freshman year at U of I (Go Illini!), we were the FIRST class to get email addresses and I was part of the first English class that mandatorily required us to write our papers in Word Perfect (a step up from English 101). We saved our papers on 5 1/2 disks and handed them in. Archaic now! I guess I should be thankful they weren't turned in on punch cards :D!!!
"With these maps, you can see down to the room on campus how many people are logged on," said Carlo Ratti, director of the school's SENSEable City Laboratory, which created the maps. "You can even watch someone go from room to room if they have a handheld device that's connected."