Tmobile pay as you go trick


Silver Member
Sep 2, 2002
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Tmobiles "pay as you go" plan (prepaid wireless plan) has a policy that if you buy new minutes all unused minutes expire when the new minutes expire. However, there is an added benefit. They seem to only keep track of the dollar ammount that your prepaid. Lower dollar ammount do not get as many minutes. So if you prepay with a larger dollar amount, not only does the exiration date increase,but your minute balance also increses.

I had about $15 dollars on my account which amounted to about 40 minutes expring in 30 days. I just added $100 dollars to my account which was supposed to add only 1000 minutes. Instead my account now totals 1150 minutes and all the minutes expire next year. So adding cash both increased my expriration date and it also increased the amount of minutes that my present balance was able to buy.

*Gold Rewards

Once you've added $100.00 in refills to your account, you automatically become a Gold Rewards customer and get at least 15% more minutes with every refill and your minutes do not expire for one full year.

Gold Rewards program does not apply to Sidekick pricing.

This is really not a trick, it is standard at T-Mobile. :)
i bought a refill card which was 90 bucks for 1000min on ebay, but i didnt get gold reward -____-