Trednet TEW-632BRP 802.11b/g Wireless Router for $24.99 Shipped

This is an 'n' router--not just b/g. So it's a decent price for a new (not refurbished) 'n' router. Although I'm not a fan of Trendnet routers. Extremely cheap and lame firmware. I have other Trendnet networking products like NICs and switches and they're no problem because they're simple products compared to routers. I bought one of their b/g 432 model routers for a friend and have set it up for him a couple times and he has power cycle ever couple of days when he goes to use it. They just released new firmware for it for the first time in a couple years and I upgraded it to that a week ago to see if that would fix the problem. I haven't asked him since so I don't know if it has. But I wouldn't recommend their routers when you can get a factory refurbished Linksys 160 or Netgear 2000 for about the same price. They are much better routers. Especially the Linksys.

One example of the lameness of the Trendnet 432 my friend has is that when configuring it, every change you make has to reset the router. So you change the settings on one page and click Apply, it reboots the router. You have to wait the minute or two for the reboot and then go to the next page of settings and if you change anything there and click Apply, it reboots again. I've never seen any other routers that require reboots for every setting change. There's always some settings that require reboots, but with Trendnet, it's every single setting. Extremely lame programming on their part.