Two million CueCats at $0.30/each


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2002
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Remember those cat like looking bar code scanner gadets that were supposted to be used to allow home users to scan barcodes out of Radio Shack Cataloges to buy stuff? Well it was a horrible flop, but the rest of them are now up for auction for .30, but only if you buy 500k of them in one lot.

great deal, I am in for all 2 million of them. Nothing like wasting $600,000 on something as poular as these are. I will resell them on ebay for $.60 cents each and double my money. LOL :claps:

I wonder if they will offer free shipping. :eek:
Didn't these things have privacy concerns?
Yup when you would transmit the items scanned a unique serial number was sent with it. So the owners could track items from each person.

I remember these, I have one. I thought it was so cool that they were free, hahaha.
Check out the DigitalConvergence Web site...
DigitalConvergence had a colossal dream.

The dream was to connect items in the physical world to the Internet, automatically. In January that dream hit a bump in the road and the servers were taken offline. They will scan again...

If you have a Cue Cat, save it. The patents and technology created by DigitalConvergence will again be available for business and consumer use.
Is that option to scan again a threat or a promise? LOL
Choochoojr said:
great deal, I am in for all 2 million of them. Nothing like wasting $600,000 on something as poular as these are. I will resell them on ebay for $.60 cents each and double my money. LOL :claps:

I wonder if they will offer free shipping. :eek:

actually on ebay if you sell for them for that much , you lose money. :mad:
i have one - i will sell to anyone that wants it - lol
yes - i got it for free as well - i was hoping to "edit it"
so as to be able to use it as a regular barcode scanner
turns out - the software does some wierd changing of the input for the output
calban said:
i have one - i will sell to anyone that wants it - lol
yes - i got it for free as well - i was hoping to "edit it"
so as to be able to use it as a regular barcode scanner
turns out - the software does some wierd changing of the input for the output
calban, check out how to neuter your cat. You can get the output as plain text.
calban said:
i have one - i will sell to anyone that wants it - lol
yes - i got it for free as well - i was hoping to "edit it"
so as to be able to use it as a regular barcode scanner
turns out - the software does some wierd changing of the input for the output

Actually there has been software written to be able to use it has a standard barcode scanner.

Hey, don't make fun... I knew the guy that invested and was the co-creator of these, a good idea gone bad :(.
DealsAreGreat said:
Hey, don't make fun... I knew the guy that invested and was the co-creator of these, a good idea gone bad :(.

I agree... When the cuecat's first came out I thought it was a pretty cool idea, but the way it was marketed and the hidden "features" of it made it destened to fail.
