Ok, MrsK...thank you. I was waiting until someone else told me a story before I shared (just so I wasn't alone). I have two stories. One - my mom and I were driving along the interstate years ago and both of us saw this funky green light in the sky...hovering. I thought...hmmm...light tower - no - way too high. Helicopter - no. Then it started doing funky motions - almost like a figure 8. We were both freaked out. Come to find out a few months ago a strange sighting my parents had while they were sitting outside one evening a long time ago (no - no possibility they were drunk or high). They saw a very very bright light about the size of a golf ball that was in the yard. It got closer and closer until it was hovering about 5 feet away from them and just above their heads. Then they said it just zipped off away from them and into the distance very quickly. They ran inside quickly needless to say. This creaps me out! No mental illness in the family - my dad is a retired engineer and my mom a retired social worker. This makes me consider UFOs a little more of a possibility. Let's put it this way - I'm not going to speak ill of other life forms, just in case. Ok, say what you like.