Unemployment Benefits Extension


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Jun 17, 2008
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Article: Obama Changes Tune on Paying for Unemployment Benefits Extension - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

[Obama] portrayed Republicans as hypocrites for demanding that jobless benefits be paid for but not applying the same standard to their call for an extension of Bush Administration tax cuts that will expire this year.

"So after years of championing policies that turned a record surplus into a massive deficit, including a tax cut for the wealthiest Americans, they've finally decided to make their stand on the backs of the unemployed," the president said last Saturday in his radio/internet address.

But Republicans were quick to remind Mr. Obama what he said after signing a previous extension of unemployment benefits on November 6th of last year.

"Now, it's important to note that the bill I signed will not add to our deficit. It is fully paid for, and so it is fiscally responsible," he said.

So eight months ago, he said paying for the benefits was the right thing to do, but now he sees no need to do so.

Asked about the contradiction, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said he needed to examine what Mr. Obama said last November and would get back to this reporter. He didn't.

Is this extension a good or a bad thing?
Its a very good thing when you live in a small town like I do.. Another factory has shut down and is moving to another state!! Our one and only Burger King burned to the ground, now more people out of a job!! Small towns are nice to live in but its heck when you lose your job and are trying to find another job!!
In Calif 'welfare' is called CalWorks, you have to work for your benefits, so why not these people too? They could certainly volunteer to do something.
In Calif 'welfare' is called CalWorks, you have to work for your benefits, so why not these people too? They could certainly volunteer to do something.

Not a bad idea. You'd need to give them time to search for another job though.
Our church has a program where you need to volunteer to continue to receive help; volunteering projects are different based on one's capabilities. The church provides a "hand up" and not a "hand out". Too bad the government can't learn from them.
Spaz, you missed the big diference, your church is out to help, the government is out to control.
Slavery is alive and well in this country. the only difference between 1860 and 2010 is that "Massa" is the government and he doesn't require his subjects to earn their keep, other than keeping him in office.
I didn't miss the difference Dan. I just wish our gov would stop abusing their power. I see it here locally as well and I've even had to take our county to court to get them to release records which should have been free. Yeah, I had to pay an attorney over $2k to fight them so I could get those "free" records. I am well aware of the abuse of power.
I didn't miss the difference Dan. I just wish our gov would stop abusing their power. I see it here locally as well and I've even had to take our county to court to get them to release records which should have been free. Yeah, I had to pay an attorney over $2k to fight them so I could get those "free" records. I am well aware of the abuse of power.

Glad that there are people out there that are willing to spend their own time and money to make this country a better place.

Cheers to Spaz. :cheers: