Valid Again ~ Free Bee Hive Bra Clip

Thanks for requesting a product sample from Virginia Aardvark. Your product sample will be delivered soon.

Thanks can't wait!!
Thanks Mommyof2!
PS. You will have to let us know if you have a boy :)
Thanks for requesting a product sample from Virginia Aardvark. Your product sample will be delivered soon.

Thanks Mommy-of-2.
Expired now.
Due to the overwhelming response to my free sample offer, my supplies have been exhausted. I had over 10,000 requests for samples of the Beehive Bra Clips and Arbonne product samples. Thank you so much for visiting my website!
I just tried this morning and this is the message I received:

Thanks for requesting a product sample from Virginia Aardvark. Your product sample will be delivered soon.

Hopefully it will arrive.
Thanks, Mommy-of-two~I ordered this yesterday and forgot to come back and say thanks!! :)
Thanks for requesting a product sample from Virginia Aardvark. Your product sample will be delivered soon.
This offer is not expired yet! ?????? I just ordered another sample and it went through fine.
Good luck in getting them. Please see their home page.
Not a problem. They simply need to update their freebie order form to reflect the fact they are out too.
FREE 2 Product Samples from Virginia Aardvark

FREE 2 Product Samples from Virginia Aardvark

Get TWO Free Product Samples

If you are interested in receiving TWO FREE SAMPLES, please fill out the form.

Good in the US ONLY to valid mailing and e-mail addresses.

One request of 2 samples per household.