Viewsonic VG800 18inch LCD NEW - $216 - Price mistake


Iron Member
Mar 9, 2003
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Viewsonic VG800 18inch LCD NEW - $216

They have that for $216 at and I bought 1 and my friend got another one. Total came to be $255+ and it's better than paying full price.

What I believe is that they mistakenly pushed the 2 key instead of the 5 key on the number pad, thus now they changed it back from $216 to $516. I placed my order at 3am PST and I can almost accurately tellyou they changed the price at 9:30am PST today because my friend was doing the order at 9:15am then the price changed 10 mins after his order, luckily.

It was even at pricegrabber. Look at the price difference:

Then now look at the item itself on the seller's website:

And email proof of my purchase:
Part No: Product: Qty: Price: Total:
VG800-1 VG800 18IN LCD 12... 1 $216.00 $216.00
Subtotal: $216.00
Shipping and handling: $21.00
Tax: $18.37
Total: $255.37

I hope they dont cancel it. I wished I had more money in my credit card or else I would have bought 5-10 of these. Too late now. Someone give a post here if you also got this deal. Must be the best "accidental" deal for LCDs in a while. It's a great monitor, disregarding the speakers, for its price.
It is too late they changed it back to $516.00
gotfrank said:
I hope they dont cancel it. I wished I had more money in my credit card or else I would have bought 5-10 of these. Too late now. Someone give a post here if you also got this deal. Must be the best "accidental" deal for LCDs in a while. It's a great monitor, disregarding the speakers, for its price.

Well, if you did, they would definitely cancel the order.
Your chances of getting it is better with just one monitor purchase.
I will gladly pay $350 for it from you if you get it. :)