Viking 128mb USB Drive + 25 CD-Rs for $5.85 Shipped After Rebates

Can I go again?

I did this rebate last month with a different rebate that ended 10/31. Does anyone have any experience with submitting another rebate the next month and having it paid? :hmm: doesn't have them???

Is it just me, or are the drives only available through the 3rd party amazon seller's list? Cheapest I see is $23.50 through mistercheap, but nothing through themselves.
Yes, it looks like the USB drive is out of stock.
$6.17 shipping if you only want the cd-rs for $1, dang

edit: add $20 more stuff to push the total to $25+ for free shipp
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i tried to purchase but it said that it was out of stock
bmc117 said:
i tried to purchase but it said that it was out of stock

The drive or the CD-R's?
