Viking 512mb SD Card for $11.99 Shipped After Rebate

Rebate shows as $10.00, not $15.00 making it $16.89 after rebate.
jim6627 said:
Rebate shows as $10.00, not $15.00 making it $16.89 after rebate.
It's showing $15 for me. Rebate is attached here jim. :tongue:
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Total Price ?

Hi, I found the link on Spoofee to have the $15 rebate, also the price before rebate has droped from $26.99 to $23.99 listed on Spooffe to the link on $23.99-$15= $8.99, BUT there seems to be a shipping charge of minumum $5.59+$1 per pound or most likely $6.59 shipping added to the overall price.

It appears to me that the total price is (after rebate) $8.99+6.59=$15.58 total after rebate and shipped.

This is the way it appears to me, please comment if I missed somthing here.

acantony :confused:
acantony said:
Hi, I found the link on Spoofee to have the $15 rebate, also the price before rebate has droped from $26.99 to $23.99 listed on Spooffe to the link on $23.99-$15= $8.99, BUT there seems to be a shipping charge of minumum $5.59+$1 per pound or most likely $6.59 shipping added to the overall price.

It appears to me that the total price is (after rebate) $8.99+6.59=$15.58 total after rebate and shipped.

This is the way it appears to me, please comment if I missed somthing here.

acantony :confused:

You need to click the correct link (see picture below) to get free shipping and take advantage of this offer. Hope this helps!
