walmart worker dies in black friday ~ prosecutors consider charging customers


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Sep 7, 2006
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walmart worker dies in black friday ~ prosecutors consider charging customers

when are they going to put a stop to this craziness, I knew someday someone would get killed, between the greedy stores and crazy shoppers I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner!
this is the exact reason I don't do black friday, it's complete chaos and this guy's family should sue wally world for not affording him better protection from the maylay, a paycheck just isn't worth your life, neither is a good deal.
This isn't the first individual to die from Black Friday if I recall correctly.
Witnesses said that even as the worker lay on the ground, shoppers streamed into the store, stepping over him.

Is this what we, as a society has come to? Stepping over a dying man to do our Christmas shopping? This disgusts me.....
Insane..... all to save a few bucks on a "early bird special" ... I agree .. this needs to stop. I went with my sister one year on a black friday and it was a nightmare .. people pushing and shoving each other ... all to get a 20 dollar made in China stereo......geez.... I refuse to go shopping anywhere on Friday after Thanksgiving ... just too much trouble out there.
I ventured out at 10am when I thought the worst of the nuttiness was over. I wasn't impressed with the sales in the stores. I got the best deals between early oct. and the middle of Nov. I'm glad I got most everything then and didn't wait for today. I did get 3 packs of the Large candles at YaNkee candle outlet in Sturbridge for $19.99 so I grabbed a few 3 packs of those since it was less than one regularly priced, but that was it.
I sat home and ate all day!!! No shopping for me in that insanity! What is wrong with people?!?! Acting like they were raised by wolves! Wait...wolves actually treat the pack members better!
All those shoppers should be prosecuted. Thats just pure BS im so tired of hearing this every year. Yea tough times in the economy blah blah blah gotta get the deals if your broke stay the F**k home.....sorry.
Someones life is not worth a 200 buck discount!!
All those shoppers should be prosecuted. Thats just pure BS im so tired of hearing this every year. Yea tough times in the economy blah blah blah gotta get the deals if your broke stay the F**k home.....sorry.
Someones life is not worth a 200 buck discount!!

My kid said the same thing, they should go to jail for this! This is why I don't even go shopping on Black Friday, I rather order stuff from the pc, which I did get a couple of deals w/ free shipping!
the stores know this, my sister is the manager for the optical dept at Walmart and when they need her she does front end manager stuff. She says they have the police there and everything, now isn't something wrong with that I asked her, and she said But that is the day Walmart makes a big chunk of their profit for the year. That says it all~GREED of the businesses!
this guy was only a temp doing maintainence, he wasn't even a walmart worker. These stores have to stop doing this, I'm all for the fun and excitment but this is not the way.
Those customers still wanting to shop after being notified of the death showed their true callousness. A charge or two might make them change their tune.
I know! A life gone, right in front of you and all you can keep your mind on is shopping?
I just can't wrap my brain around that, our society is so desensitized.
I also hope the family of the poor guy sue the pants off Walmart. No offense, but these companies are just asking for trouble like this. Where was the security?

Those customers still wanting to shop after being notified of the death showed their true callousness. A charge or two might make them change their tune.

remind yourself of who shops at walmart............
It can't happen on Cybermonday which is in 2 days cause we are all at home.
I don't understand the question: "who shops at walmart" in the previous post.
I do, but I don't trample people to death.
I saw this on front page of I'm glad I didn't go out yesterday.
looking forward to cybermonday, last year I made out really good.