Want Slickdeal: Garmin GPS about $200-text-to-speech


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2006
Reaction score

I'm looking for a Slickdeal (i.e. large price discount) for a new Garmin 4.3" screen GPS unit that has text-to-speech (e.g. turn in 500 feet at Main St.).

It would also be nice if it were from a reputable retailer. When I searched, I saw lowest prices from lowpricedigital.com, which got terrible reviews.

Thanks in advance. I'm ready to rep if I get this help.

Which Garmin unit are you inquiring about?
Which Garmin unit are you inquiring about?

I'm open, as long as they fit the specs I mentioned. I've looked at nuvi 650, nuvi 750, have done enough research to narrow it down to Garmin over Magellan (bad customer service). I would basically use the unit for my car.

With so many models, it's a bit overwhelming. Do you know if they have batteries that hold a charge for very long?

I have a $200 gift certificate from Circuit City I'd like to use. The 650, though is $100 higher there than Amazon. CC is updating their site, so I can't find price of 750 there.

Thanks––repped--I already had these and some ones I needed to do more research on in my Amazon wishlist. Was trying to see what else was out there.

D0 you know anything about these 2 units?