Webster, NH stepmom arrested in Florida!

I hope they press charges against the father too and I hope he loses custody of his other children. He didn't even take her to the hospital till the next day. What a coward! :mad:
It said she was beaten on thursday and he didn't take her to the hospital until saturday, that's 2 days, I say put them both in jail for a very long time!

Now, beat them both with a belt and throw them down the stairs for 9 hours.......
Honestly, if my oldest one's stepmom did that to her, they had better daggone well put both of them in jail, for their own protection! I would be one HOT MOMMA! And I ain't talkin hot and tempting either!
If someone did this to my child, they would not be safe from me anywhere - even jail.

There is no excuse to do this to another human being, let alone a child. I dont care if you yourself were abused, you are having family problems or the devil himself lives inside of you - there is no excuse. :mad: