Western Digital 250GB EIDE Hard Drive for $49.98 Shipped After Rebate

Just what I needed since I was too lazy to go to staples to get it there.
Final price = $86.68 - 30 = 56.68
Just an FYI, if you're not too lazy to go to the store, you can get this, the 3-pack of 1 gig SD cards, and two 2.4 ghtz cordless phones for $60 AERs +tax by using the 30/150 ER coupon in their ad this week. Math is as follows:

Hard Drive: 80.00
Phones: 20.00 x 2 = 40.00
SD cards: 40.00
Sub-Total: 160.00
Hard Drive Rebate: -30.00
Phone Rebates: -20.00 x 2 = -40.00
30/150 Rebate: -30.00
Total: $60.00 + tax

If you don't want the SD cards (I did for my digicam), you could always drop those and buy more phones - they're FAR with a limit of 10.
Beware though that the rebate # for the phones is the same as one advertised late last year. Different purchase dates, but same offer #.
i paid $10 more for an SATA2 version with no rebates from newegg. EIDE is too slow for me these days.
I think the Purchase Date for the rebate is expired too...