What bizarre holiday falls on your b-day????

July 27th; is take your pants for a walk day, whatever that means! :confused:
Dec. 29 is Pepper Pot Day...Whatever that means!!!
July 10 is . . . . Clerihew Day

What the heck is a Clerihew? :confused: :34:
National Creamsicle Day - gee, I love creamsicles too! :)


How Ironic.....
September 11 is . . . . No News Is Good News Day
Woohoo! My birthday is on National Roast leg of lamb day! LOL
October 17 is . . . . Gaudy Day

Does that mean I have to wear terrible gaudy clothes and jewelery? I think so... LOL

National Chocolate Chip Day (May 15)
Faerieglamour said:
October 17 is . . . . Gaudy Day

Does that mean I have to wear terrible gaudy clothes and jewelery? I think so... LOL

let's go get some baubles and head down to miami ;)
The Sep. 11th day makes me think this site makes up holidays, but I dunno :confused:

Before looking at the site, I knew that Sep. 12th (My B-Day) is Grandparents Day. They were giving me presents when it should've been reversed; SCORE! :claps: :tongue: :tongue: ;) :D :zip: :o

The site says... National Pet Memorial Day and National Chocolate Milkshake Day.

Not a bad payoff! :tongue:

...Looks like today and tomorrow are:

March 4 is . . . . . Holy Experiment Day

March 5 is . . . . . Multiple Personalities Day
June 27 is . . . . National Columnists Day :05:
November 27 is . . . . Pins And Needles Day...... wtf