What Happened to the Old SPoofee


Iron Member
Mar 24, 2002
Reaction score
I am not sure if Kenji is still with you guys, but I have a beef with Spoofee. I have been a Spoofee "member" ever since you guys came out. Before, I loved your site because you found FREEBIES like free pens, free condoms, free soad, free magazines, free shirts, etc. This, like so many others of your followers, is what we loved most about your site. What happened????? Now, everything you showcase has to do with sales on electronic or computer itmes. However, if a person looked in the newspaper, they would be able to find the samae great deals to!! I think you guys are doing a great job because some of the things you post aren't readily advertised to the general public, however, I would appreciate it if you could go back to your grass roots and start posting freebies, especially freebies for magazines
and shirts. This was the original idea behind spoofee. This is waht Spoofee started out with.
Thank you,

I don't remember how long ago Kenji started this site but I think I can remember him talking about it up to 3 years ago.

So, if you think back to the economic state of the internet 3 years ago you will remember it was an incredibly more generous time. Money was flying out of .com owner's pockets faster than they could think. Back then freebie's were incredibly easy to find (I have a closet full of freebie Tshirts to show for it) because their advertising budgets were way too big.

Nowadays I think people are a little more realistic and don't throw away money as quickly. This is why it is hard to find freebies but very easy to find 'great deals'.

At the end of the day return on investment is what matters. If anyone thinks differently their business will fail.
