What Kind of Shopper Are You?


Just for the Thrill
May 12, 2006
Reaction score
My Results: You dont mind spending some cash but you know not to go overboard! You are definitely a responsible shopper!

Youre a planner and a saver! You put all your money away for a rainy day! Learn to have a little fun though! Whats the point in having it, if you cant spend a little!
You dont mind spending some cash but you know not to go overboard! You are definitely a responsible shopper!
I will go broke just from hanging out with you!! Youre a crazy shopaholic! Keep the credit cards away from you, girl!
You dont mind spending some cash but you know not to go overboard! You are definitely a responsible shopper!
You dont mind spending some cash but you know not to go overboard! You are definitely a responsible shopper!

:hmm: Spoofee defined....
I will go broke just from hanging out with you!! Youre a crazy shopaholic! Keep the credit cards away from you, girl!
Youre a planner and a saver! You put all your money away for a rainy day! Learn to have a little fun though! Whats the point in having it, if you cant spend a little!
You dont mind spending some cash but you know not to go overboard! You are definitely a responsible shopper!

212 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 1677 times.
12% of people had this result.
I will go broke just from hanging out with you!! Youre a crazy shopaholic! Keep the credit cards away from you, girl!
Hmm two of the questions I save the money and one I said I shop around.....I didn't know that makes me a shopaholic. :( :rolleyes:

You dont mind spending some cash but you know not to go overboard! You are definitely a responsible shopper!
Youre a planner and a saver! You put all your money away for a rainy day! Learn to have a little fun though! Whats the point in having it, if you cant spend a little!