What monster am I?? (Game)


Soon2B SurroMom This Fall
Dec 11, 2004
Reaction score
I'll start off with an easy one...

I fear garlic and crucifix and I spend my days sleeping. Which monster am I?
ok, here goes...
the gypsy knows my secrets and if stephanie from "full house" had her way, the lady i chase wouldn't be in the forest at night, she'd be in a restaurant.
I have no idea but my hubby thinks you're a witch. Is he right?
nope. i guess the "full house" reference is a little obscure... sorry, my sister used to LOVE that show, and now my girls all watch it :p

here's a giveaway hint: when the moon is full, things get a little hairy....
A Warewolf!!!
Ok here's one from him.

I like hunting teenagers, I am deathly afraid of water, you can hurt me and make me bleed but that won't stop me, I'm mostly seen at night, and I've made 11 appearances since 1950. What monster am I?
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specifically, the wolfman, but yep... you get to go again...

... hmmm... you get the feeling we're the only ones playing? :15:
it's cool eventually someone else will join in!

Posted the new hints in my last entry.
since 1950? hmmm... i only saw one freddy kruger movie and it was years ago, and i don't know how many of those movies were even made... is it him? if not, don't think i'm a moron please lol
nope! This will probably give everything away but, He beat Freddy in round one! Good guess though, I can definitly see how you came up with that! :)
OMG!! Where have you been??? LOL I know he hasn't been "around" since 1950 but my hubby thought it would be too easy to guess if he put 1979. You're go!

** EDIT **
Clubchick is no longer online right now. I thought I'd try and post another for others who are online and would like a try.

I was seen many times in West Virginia between November 1966 and November 1967. It is said that I appear before a disaster to warn people of the impending danger. Who am I?
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todd is trying to school me in scary movies- every october we watch at least 2 a week, but the freddy and jason movies are some of the ones i've yet to see!

ok, so let me think...
almost 1/4 of a century passes before i come to life each time, and i hang out in cornfields

edit: drat, waited too long... well now there's two at a time, might make it more interesting :)
That Jeepers Creepers dude????? Did he even have a name???
Here's mines again if I am right!

I was seen many times in West Virginia between November 1966 and November 1967. It is said that I appear before a disaster to warn people of the impending danger. Who am I?
Mommy-Of-2 said:
I was seen many times in West Virginia between November 1966 and November 1967. It is said that I appear before a disaster to warn people of the impending danger. Who am I?



Now for a picture clue, see the attached pic. Who am I?

OK, that may be tough...This legendary creature is said to inhabit the Atlantic coastal pine plains of the most densely populated state in the US. (That clue is hopefully worth a few Google searches. :))


  • WhoAmI.png
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hey clubchick, was i right before??? was the one you posted up the jeepers creepers guy???

I have no idea either for el Gato's. :hmm: :34:
Hint #1:

el Gato said:
...the Atlantic coastal pine plains of the most densely populated state in the US.

ie New Jersey Pine Barrens. Sorry, that was a devil of a clue.

Hint #2 (total give away!) Click meh!


As a side note, it was last reported as being seen by a pizza delivery guy in 1991 LOL.