What's the best way to train a cat?


May 27, 2005
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Our cat Raven is about 10 months old. He started jumping up on my counter tops, which is a big no no for me. Now, he keeps getting after our beta fish(which is on the countertops) as well.

We got Raven when he was about 3 months old and he has been no problem...until now.

At first I would get my Swiffer Duster and smack his butt with it, well that didn't work, used a water bottle to squirt him, well that doesn't work because I have a cat who loves water, or you can smack his butt with your hand and he still does it.

This is the first time in my life that I ever owned a cat and I don't know what else to do with him. When he's bad, we stick him in the sunroom, thinking that this would teach him a lession, but it hasn't.

Any advice?
Like it or not, the water trick works best for me. I use a squirt gun, though. You can also ask the vet what ideas they may have. And put the beta where the cat won't get it or you won't have a beta, at least not in the fishbowl. They like to watch it flop arond and play with it out of the water. Cute, eh? Aren't kittens fun?
use tape on the counter while you're gone (Sticky side up of course) and he will jump on it and get stuck, and the tape will pull a few hairs out, to serve 2 purposes 1) to make the cat think that there will always be tape on the counter and 2) to show you when you need close obeservation when you find cat hairs on the tape
I've had some success with a home made noise maker. Take a soda can, fill it with about 40 pennies and tape the top closed. Then watch the cat. . .when your she jumps on the counter, shake the can loudly once. The loud noise will startle her, and hopefully she'll jump right back off the counter. After several times, she'll learn to associate the loud noise with jumping up on the counter, and (fingers and toes crossed here) will stop doing it. A key to success, don't let the cat see you shake it watch from around the corner or something. Good Luck!
i have the same problem. she jumps up to my table when i'm having dinner.
a friend of mine told me to use a water gun and shoot the lil sucker straight between the eyes LOL. but like i said before, he likes water.

we were seriously considering putting tape on the c.t or mousetraps :zip:

i think i will give that soda can with coins in it a try.

i've done everything else so i hope this helps...thanks everyone :)