What's the Craziest or Most Creative Costume U Have Worn on Halloween??


Spoofee Posting Addict
Nov 1, 2008
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What's the Craziest or Most Creative Costume U Have Worn on Halloween??

What's the Craziest or Most Creative Costume U Have Worn on Halloween??

I've dressed up as a cardboard box, bag of trash, alien and mechanic.
I put on my Mirage 3D Alive Leafy Camo Suit 1 yr. and laid out in the front yard at the party I was at and scared the CRAP out of quite a few folks there.
pair of roller skates and nothing else.

I was a pull toy
Ummm... Well somewhere around here is a pic of me in one of the craziest costumes I wore at halloween time. But I think it vanished from the earth. (Yeah Right) :lol:
I was a vampire tonight, not too crazy lol
4 of my friends and I were Where's waldo.
I saw 3 guys walking...one in the middle was very mean and obnoxious, and the two on each side were crazy as hell. When I asked them what they were supposed to be, they said: " a d**k and 2 nuts"! :rofl: :pound:
Before I met my BF, my favorite costume was a dominatrix :whip:


It's amazing how many people really want you to hurt them :blushing:
Umm.....keep that stinger away from me, Ms. bee :nonod:

:idea: Distance will keep you safe gr8nrg, I won't make you move again :suspicious: