When will Wii be available again?


May 10, 2006
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Any idea when the WII will be available again in retail stores (Best Buy, Target, etc.) for regular price ($250)? We'd prefer not to buy from ebay or spend hundreds of extra dollars on a bundle with games we'll never use. Thanks.
it seems to be available sporadically on Amazon.com for 250 and no tax and free shipping. I have been having trouble finding it on there for myself as it seems to be there at random hours and only for short periods but that seems to be your best bet at just spending 250
I was told that if you get a Toys R Us really early on Sunday (maybe saturday) and you stand in line and they give a voucher to buy it at regular price. Thats just what I was told. I dont know if its absolutely true or not.
A little late but it was available here in the chicao ads TODAY! Buy the sunday ads on saturday and check if local stores will have it. Stores like Target will be be the best bet, I got mine in February and didnt even wait in line for mine while people across the street were in a huge line at best buy. Good luck!