Which desperate housewife are you?


Goody 2 Shoes Goddess TY
Sep 1, 2005
Reaction score
Which desperate housewife are you?(or is your perfect love match!)



Take the quiz and find out who you are most like or which one is your perfect love match. ;)

I was Bree :rolleyes:
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It said I am likly to marry Edie....

gabrielle- you could say that life's just about pretty dresses and expensive gifts to you, but you're looking for something more. you'll find it someday, as long as you can stay out of trouble. and away from hot young gardeners.

i'm a little embarrassed about that one :o

did it again and got edie, though. guess i don't have to worry too much :p
I can tell you which housewives I'd like to do :)
Edie is my woman. Although, I must admit, Ive had a crish on Felicity Huffman since she was on Sports Night.
I'm Gabrielle and I have only seen one episode and that doesn't seem like me at all.
I want Izzie on Grey's Anatomy for my housewife. Yum! :32:
what happened to normal wives on tv like jill from home improvement?
AWWWW I'M LYNETTE! BOOO. LOL jk. i was hoping for gabrielle ;) :D

For anyone who hasn't seen this show, watch it! It makes my Sundays LOL :zip:
I'm Lynette too!!!

I like her character and I have 2 boys that are wild and out of control just like her...Funny, my hubby is kind of kick back like hers and I am the organized worker bee:)
Gee, I seem to be the only Bree in the group.:rolleyes: And Squid, I'm very disappointed in you, after all this time and the 'leg thing'. :rolleyes:

BTW - a certain discilpine and style does appeal to some groups, apparently not this one.......:p
I am likely to marry.. Lynette

I even asked my hubby last nite which 'wife' am I. He said "Bree". When asked why...."Because you'd probably wait calling 911 while I was having a heart attack upstairs."

I am just so misunderstood. :28:

**he better keep that phone speed dialed ready and near him :)**
I took this one a while ago and I was a Susan.

I stopped watching the show after the first season. Has she gotten less flakey? I hope so... I didn't really think I was the flakey type...
Take it again and see if youre still the same housewife. Maybe youll be someone different if theyve changed the attributes of each character on the website to reflect the changes on screen.
Hey... You're right!

I'm a Lynette today...

I'm not really wild to be characterized as any of them as each one has their own set of problems. But... that is what makes the show interesting, I guess...
Honey, we all have our own set of problems. Youre prolly no exception. If you are an exception, youre one lucky lady. You may not be as psycho or as melodramatic as they are, but I bet you got some indiosyncrocies up in that little noggin of yours that're just itching to show itself.
Look at me! Of course I'm not normal! I've got rainbow sunglasses and shamrocks sprouting from my head! And I'm not talking about my avatar! ;)