Whiskas Purrfectly Fish Tuna Entree for Cats

Thank You!!!!!! more free food for my cat
Arkansas was not listed as a state in the drop down menu. That is just too weird. No one ever remembers about us. :(
Thanks for the link! Our 2 cats appreciate it!
My cat is very picky, but he does like tuna! Thanks Sharon! :cat:
TY so much, my 6 feline kids are addicted to tuna flavored food, (I limit it due to the mercury of course), but free is always the best kind :)
I like to save up cat food samples and put them in kitty's stocking at Christmas.:present: Makes Santa look really thoughtful. After Christmas, I put them in the kitty cupboard for emergency rations when the 20 lb. bag of Iams runs out and kitty needs food NOW.:hungry:
That was very cool and you can forward the free sample to a friend using their e-cards. Great find!