Woman Loses Home Over $68 Unpaid Dentist Bill

That just doesn't seem right.....:nonod:
How could she not know about the sheriff's sale?
This is just a strange story.
I am most intrigued about the fact that the woman has continuned to pay her mortgage payments (albeit allegedly) for two years past the Sheriffs sale of her home. The way the story is written she was unaware of this other gentleman buying her home away from her so the payments were not given to him.

For the sake of argument, let's say she has. Why has the lender never returned her payments??
I am most intrigued about the fact that the woman has continuned to pay her mortgage payments (albeit allegedly) for two years past the Sheriffs sale of her home. The way the story is written she was unaware of this other gentleman buying her home away from her so the payments were not given to him.

For the sake of argument, let's say she has. Why has the lender never returned her payments??

You bring up an interesting point. How was that man able to get her house without the title company ensuring it was free of all liens?
Like I said, there's a lot more to this story than what's in that article.