Woot.com - Rockford Fosgate WiFi Car/Home Audio Bundle for $205 Shipped


Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
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Woot.com - Rockford Fosgate WiFi Car/Home Audio Bundle for $205 Shipped

Woot.com today has the Rockford Fosgate WiFi Car/Home Audio Bundle for $199.99. This bundle comes with Home Digital Media Streamer (DMS1), Omnifi/D-Link Home WiFi Adapter (DWL-120R), Omnifi Car Head Unit & 20GB Enclosure System (DMP1), and Omnifi/D-Link Car WiFi Adapter (DWL-121). The receiver alone is going for $199.99 at Target.

damn... did you have to post that? Now its just going to be harder for me to buy stuff at woot! :D :banghead:
just so everyone knows. woot.com gets a very limited supply of a product which normally sell out within a day or so depending on what it is
it was in stock for like 6 hours, I was lucky enough to get one.
This bundle is available again today for all those who missed out the first time.
Yeah, too bad I don't have money, I might consider this, however I don't know much about car wiring etc. so I wouldn't want to do a crappy job on it.
I never get to the Woot deals on time :banghead:
foodbiz said:
I never get to the Woot deals on time :banghead:

it is still on woot, and you can always get it on ebay for the same price maybe even cheaper.
Anyone ever have any problems receiving items from Woot? I've never ordered, but this was too good too pass up.
Thanks. I saw that shortly after I posted. :)
I've gotten a couple things from woot. Best time to check them for new deals is each weeknight at midnight central time, thats when they get put up, midnight sunday - midnight thursday. Some things seel out extremely fast (woot bag's o crap might survive about 10 minutes before being sold out)