Yahoo Mail - Get second email of your choice with a dot!


Bronze Member
Mar 18, 2005
Reaction score
In case you were late signing up for yahoo mail, like i was, and an id close to your name was no longer available, here is your chance again - yahoo is now offering dot [.] in its ids. Whats more, you can link your existing yahoo id to a second id with a dot - so that the mailbox is one, but you can send and receive emails from both ids. In compose mail, it now shows "Send From" drop down list!

So, in case you havent done it already, here is the process:
1, login to yahoo mail
2, click options on top right
3, click Mail addresses under Management
4, click Get Started under Extra Mail Address
5, check availability - hope you get yours!

Your email address may consist of a-z, 0-9, underscores, and a single dot (.).

All the best!
thanks so much! The email address I always wanted, plus it's a bit more professional sounding for impending graduation!
yay! i got marathon.runner@yahoo -- how cool is that?