Yahoo - Unlimited Bandwidth Web Hosting for $11.95/Month

Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
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Yahoo is offering web hosting.

$11.95/month and you get the following

- Unlimited Disk Space
- Unlimited Disk Transfer
- Up to 1000 email addresses
- 24 hour customer support
- free domain name
- No setup fee

- Link to Offer
- The only catch we see is that you have to stay on for at least 3 months
unlimited is the good part, right?

i've heard of much cheaper web hosting, but i'm guessing that the unlimited disk space and unlimited bandwith are the selling points here, right? wow, i guess they're trying hard to survive with google in town, eh?
They are probably trying to bring their stock up before they make a deal to be bought out by google actually.

This looks like a good deal, I remember reading something about how yahoo still technically owns your domain, unlike GoDaddy where the domain belongs just to you... I forgot the details on how it worked though.
I've learned in the past that when a company says unlimited, they don't really mean it. There's always some sort of restriction or fine detail involved.
I've learned in the past that when a company says unlimited, they don't really mean it. There's always some sort of restriction or fine detail involved.

you were right..
So what does "unlimited" mean, really?
Disk space:

You can now create as large a site as you like (you won't face an upper limit, or "ceiling"), but we will place some constraints on how fast you can grow. In other words, you can add as much content as you want, but maybe not all at once. The vast majority of our customers' sites grow at rates well within our rules, however, and will not be impacted by this constraint.
Data transfer:

In most cases, if you use our service appropriately, visitors to your web site will be able to download and view as much content from your site as they like. However, in certain circumstances, our server processing power, server memory, or anti-abuse controls could limit downloads from your site.

You can also upload as much as content as you like each month, subject only to the rules that control how fast your site can grow (see above).
Email storage:

Unlimited email storage gives normal email account users like yourself an opportunity to not have to worry about hitting a storage limit. You can save your correspondence and never worry about having to delete older messages to make room for more.

However, the purpose of unlimited storage isn't to provide an online storage warehouse. Usage that suggests this approach gets flagged by AT&T Yahoo! Business Email's anti-abuse controls.

and about google buying yahoo.. i dont think thats really possible, thats monopoly anywhere..
Typical of yahoo, their documentation is quite lacking. eg. I can't even find anything that says whether they support SSI (server-side includes, ie .shtml files) or not.
Re: monopoly....

and about google buying yahoo.. i dont think thats really possible, thats monopoly anywhere..

Actually Microsoft has put in an offer to purchase Yahoo....the official offer is 44.6 billion. Their obvious competition would be google, but with yahoo now under their collective belt they [microsoft] would have a lot of advertising power. It has been reported that the buyout is actually being taken very seriously and could very well occur.
Yes, unlimited bandwidth is a huge selling point. But it's really just a marketing scam as there is no way on earth they can comply with that statement. They WILL shut you down if you use too much. As a web developer, I've seen it happen before (with other providers).

selfdestruct is right. You'll want to buy your domain separately with a third party registrar first to ensure you truly own it. Then simply point it to Yahoo's servers. I've seen a lot of abuse in this area. And a free domain name is nothing. You can buy those for $5 bucks a pop now in days.
Actually Microsoft has put in an offer to purchase Yahoo....the official offer is 44.6 billion. Their obvious competition would be google, but with yahoo now under their collective belt they [microsoft] would have a lot of advertising power. It has been reported that the buyout is actually being taken very seriously and could very well occur.

yea.. microsoft buying yahoo is possible, but we were talking about google buying yahoo.. google as #1 and buying the #2, thats not gonna happen. all google can do is to offer some help, which already did.
For those of you considering this I actually host my site through Yahoo and I love it. There is very little info until you are a customer but they have great support and it is very user friendly with options for those who are tech savvy and free design tools. My purposes don't require alot of bandwidth but I have tried others and I like yahoo.
unlimited web storage and bandwidth? so how about google just moves all its data and traffic over to the yahoo! servers? ha ha, just kidding.

anyway, yeah, i've heard that some web hosting places will give you a "free" domain name, where you don't actually own the name, so if you leave, they keep your domain name. any confirmation as to whether this deal is like that or not?