You just can't make this stuff up!


Goody 2 Shoes Goddess TY
Sep 1, 2005
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Any inappropriate/unbelievable news/stories, or 'what were they thinking moment'? Post them here....
Yankees' Christmas ornament raises eyebrows Eyewitness News
(New York - WABC, October 24, 2006) - The release of a new Yankees' Christmas ornament has many people shaking their heads and claiming bad taste.

It may have seemed like a good idea at the time, but with the recent tragic death of Yankee pitcher Cory Lidle, the timing of the Yankees' "Victory Plane" could not be any worse.
Officials say the ornament was designed more than a year ago.

But earlier this month, Lidle and his instructor pilot, Tyler Stanger, died when their plane slammed into a building on the Upper East Side.

Yankees officials have refused to comment.

The ornament is now on sale.
They'll sell millions of them!
Fire Department Called When Cremation Gets Out of Hand

A fire broke out at a Salt Lake City funeral home Tuesday afternoon as workers cremated the remains of a man who weighed more than 600 pounds.

"In the process, some of the body fat had liquefied and leaked out ... and caused a fire similar to a grease fire," said Scott Freitag, a spokesman with the Salt Lake City Fire Department.

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Now THAT is a nasty visual:faint:

And news from our local news station...

Preco, you've pooped out on this fine thread you started.
Preco, you've pooped out on this fine thread you started.

Speaking of poop...............:argh:

Man in deep doo doo
-AUSTIN, Minn. - An man who allegedly included dog feces along
with his payment for a parking ticket has been charged with disorderly
conduct. The 22-year-old man was charged with the misdemeanor
May 11 in a criminal complaint filed in Mower County District Court.
The man's vehicle was ticketed on April 18 while it was parked in
front of his residence. He put an envelope containing his payment
and dog feces in a drop box at the law enforcement center, the
complaint stated. On April 25, an office employee for the Austin
Police Department smelled a rank odor as she gathered envelopes
from the box. Opening the envelopes, the woman noticed one leaking
a brown fluid, which got onto her hands and her desk, according to
the complaint. The next morning the woman awoke with a headache
and vomited repeatedly. She was hospitalized for about two days
with an undetermined illness. The man allegedly admitted putting his
dog's feces in the envelope because he was upset at the time, the
complaint stated. He told police he immediately regretted doing it
because he realized a secretary would probably open it. The man
has been summoned to appear in court June 15.
Man who planned Provo bank robbery and inner tube getaway sent to prison

PROVO, Utah (AP) - A man accused of planning to rob a credit union and get away by floating down the Provo River was sent to prison for 27 months.

"What in the world were you thinking?" U.S. District Judge Dee Benson asked Patrick Burr, 46.


It turned out that one of the tubes had a hole. A getaway car would have been faster. The Provo River in late fall was flowing at 4 mph.

"You should write a book on this," the judge said.
Mother and infant found dead in St. George

ST. GEORGE, UT. (ABC 4 News) - A mother and her 3-month-old infant daughter died on Tuesday after authorities say the woman collapsed while bathing her baby.

Reports show that 23-year-old Aneka Flores was giving her infant daughter, 3-month-old Catalina a bath when the woman died suddenly. After the mother died, police say the infant drowned in the bathtub.

Their bodies were discovered by Flores' husband. The couple has two other boys, who were visiting relatives at the time of the deaths.

Officials are not yet sure what caused the woman's death. Police are calling it nothing but a horrible tragedy.
Man in Wheelchair pushed by a semi!

Apparently he was crossing the street when the light changed and the semi driver didn't see him. Luckily his chair turned him around. The handles of the wheelchair got lodged into the grill of the semi...if they hadn't....well...that would have been so sad.
Bet it wouldve ben fun if he was expecting it to happen! I'd do it, strap a chair to the front end of a semi and let me in it!
Mitt Romney

This story is making it's way around the internet about GOP presidential candidate, Mitt Romney. Not exactly somebody you want running the country.

What a real idiot! I cannot believe anyone could be so stupid and arrogant........wait, yes I can.
"He borrowed a hosepipe..." A hosepipe? Who is writing this article? And I dont see how its child abuse. Animal abuse, maybe.. Probably.

Heck if it was me, Id strap the kids to the roof and let the dog in the front seat. lol.