Your Bible & You ebook coverIf you would like to understand more about the Bible, we have a free gift offer for you! There is absolutely no obligation. It is yours for the asking. You may receive a free copy of “Your Bible & You” simply by requesting it below. “Your Bible & You” is a timeless 254-page Bible Study Guide now on CD-ROM that you and your family will treasure for years. More than 2 million copies of this book are in print and has brought it to CD! In addition to the Bible Study Guide, we have included a complete copy of the website and the Online Bible, King James Version, a searchable Bible software for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS. To request the free CD-ROM, simply complete the form at the bottom of this page and it will be sent to you without cost or obligation.
Note: Requests from Ontario, Canada will receive the paper version of Your Bible and You. We regret that at the present time, the eBook 'Your Bible and You' is available only to addresses in the United States and Canada.