Allure Access Giveaways - 2 Giveaways Hurry!

Excellent - glad I'm up early. Thank you so much!
I got up early and got in on all of them. Thanks!
I got in on the sweeps for the Clean and Clear and the Wexler but not the perfume~ thanks Muff!!
I got in on the sweeps, but missed everything else. :) Thanks, Muff!! :wave:
Maximum number of entries has been reached. [1000]

wexler is gone
Maximum number of entries has been reached. [1000]
I only got in on the sweeps. thanks muff :)
Thank you!Got in on the sweeps.
I see the word ALLURE and automatically think, WHY BOTHER!! but I did get in on the contest,
Clean & Clear Acne Control kit - Sweeps

Thanks for entering!